News and Updates

Classrooms Have a New Fun Element - The Wordle Game!

Use Wordle for Education

How to use for Education?

Introducing Highscores

We crafted a finetuned algorithm to score every played game, allowing you to run customized campaigns and raffles.

How to create your own Wordle website

Learn how you can create your own custom branded word puzzle page. Complete with a custom design and logo.

Is WORD.RODEO a Real Business™ yet?

In the past month, custom pages received more polishing than ever. Let's take a look!

Feature update

Today I finally released support for colorblind assistance for our daltonic friends.

Game Statistics! 📊

When I started working on, I didn't plan far into the future and anticipated what features I would like to add next.

Custom dictionaries

The past week saw the addition of a couple of new quality of life features for the account dashboard.

First milestone!

Feedback has been great! Over 20 pages have already been created and the first big milestone has been reached...

Custom pages for everyone!

Launching today are custom puzzle pages for everyone!

Show some love

Add a special flair to your shared results this February.

WORD.RODEO goes multilingual

A truly global game should speak your language.

Add a secret message for solving

This weekend was a test to see how many awesome features I could possibly add to

Dark Mode and first live stream reaction

It was inevitable, there was a dark mode to be added. So I did just that. Thanks to Tailwind CSS this was a breeze.

More languages and encryption

I nerd sniped myself with this fun weekend project so much that I couldn't stop adding features to it.

Built a game after buying the domain!

If you can believe it, I bought the domain on Friday afternoon and successfully launched a project on it within 24 hours!