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Guess the 5-letter word as quickly as you can in 6 tries or fewer. New puzzles arrive daily at 12AM ET/NYC.
Color Legend: GREY = letter is not in the word; PURPLE 🟪 = correct letter but incorrect placement; BLUE 🟦 = correct letter AND correct placement
• Submit your scores to compete with other players for a chance to make the JoWordle Weekly Rankings Top 10 list (optional). If you miss a day, no worries: you can still play that day’s puzzle from the archive and submit your scores for that current week. DO NOT submit scores for puzzles you were unable to solve. Doing so will SUBTRACT points from your weekly total.
• Past puzzles can be found in the JoWordle archive. All past games are free to play, but scores may only be submitted for the current week.
• JoWordle weeks begin at 12AM ET/NYC on Sundays and end on Saturday nights at 11:59PM ET/NYC.
• The JoWordle Weekly Rankings list is displayed on the JoWordle site.
• The Daily Top 10 and Weekly Top 20 Rankings are posted after 12AM/ET each day only at UniverseOdon.com/@JoParkerBear on Mastodon (in the daily posted puzzle thread).
Made with word.rodeo - create your own puzzles!
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Made with word.rodeo - create your own puzzles!
192 (87%)Average time
Rank | Name | Score |
1. | portlandy | 12,550 |
2. | Ally Duncs | 11,050 |
3. | Kiwi | 10,750 |
4. | Alice McFlurry | 10,650 |
5. | AFL | 10,000 |
6. | Rupert | 9,550 |
7. | Aaron J | 9,550 |
8. | Sage | 9,550 |
9. | SersiCoppi | 9,450 |
10. | Mostly Boring | 9,400 |
Create your own custom word puzzle and challenge your friends with them!
Guess the word your friend sent you in a limited number of turns.